The 11th Edition of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index reveals a pro-growth trend across the nation for 2018.
The 11th edition of Rich States, Poor States is characterized by great movement in state economic performance and outlook as a result of federal tax reform and the resulting actions of certain states. In the past five years alone, 30 states have significantly reduced their tax burdens. Those that fail to adapt to this competitive environment can fall behind by simply standing still. The facts remain clear that pro-growth policies are working and there is a clear trend in favor of market-oriented reforms.
Rich States, Poor States examines the latest trends in state economic growth. The data ranks the 2018 economic outlook of states using 15 equally weighted policy variables, including various tax rates, regulatory burdens and labor policies. The eleventh edition examines trends over the last few decades that have helped or hurt states’ economies.
Used by state lawmakers across America since 2008, Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index, is authored by White House Advisor and economist Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, White House Advisor and Economist Stephen Moore, and Jonathan Williams, Vice President of the American Legislative Exchange Council Center for State Fiscal Reform.