
New Jersey 101.5: NJ Close to Dead Last for Economic Competitiveness

The economic outlook is worse for New Jersey than nearly every other state in the country, according to an annual economic competitiveness index released by a conservative think tank.

In the 13th edition of “Rich States, Poor States” released Wednesday by the American Legislative Exchange Council, New Jersey ranks 48th among the states based on 15 factors considered by the organization to be “important state policy variables.”

Specifically, New Jersey ranks in the bottom five for its top income and corporate tax rates, along with personal income tax progressivity and the property tax burde. Although the state in 2018 eliminated its estate tax, the report still gave New Jersey the worst possible mark in that category because it still levies an inheritance tax.

“You add that to the unfunded liabilities within their systems and you just see a very toxic business environment,” said co-author Jonathan Williams.

Read the complete article here.

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